Alleys Auzzie-(4-1991) (Spencer x Ally NTF [Waro van de
Haflingerhoeve]) "Holly" was our first Haflinger, purchased to teach
Sharon to drive - which she did in spades. She was our "step-up" driving
lesson horse, when students need something a little more challenging to
drive. Of draft type, she consistently out-moves and out-performs her
conformation. Successful at Combined Driving Events in a pair with
"Bieka" in 2002, in 2005, she took Sharon (in her first year of CDE
competition) from Training level to Preliminary in 6 months. They went to
the Colorado Horse Park CDE in August and beat everybody, Welsh and
Morgan alike in all three phases, by an expanding margin. In 2006, we took
it a little slower, competing in Ram Tap, Henry Boyd Memorial, and Shady
Oaks CDEs as Single Preliminary Pony. Though Holly is still loving the
challenge, we've decided to retire her from single pony CDEs. She's our
go-to gal for everything from Victorian High Tea escort-service to
California Scurry, to working up the ranch's arena with a spring-tooth
harrow though, so she's far from the Old-Mare's Home!
Quality Registered Haflinger Horses